materials: Reused plastic wraps
Project “Bring me flowers” aims to bring the
spotlight to the damage that consuming
plastic-wrapped flowers does to the
environment. The project involves making
people aware that a bouquet of flowers dies in
five days, but the plastic it’s wrapped in stays
there practically forever. While we try to
honor the dead with flowers, we hurt and drain
the world the living have yet to experience and
need to survive.By changing our bad habits and
facing that our traditions are outdated, we can
help preserve and improve the state of the
ecology of our world.
Plastic waste is a global concern,
demanding reduced usage. Within our
culture, beautifully wrapped flowers
symbolize respect and affection,
notably towards the departed.
However, this tradition has contributed
to environmental issues.
Raising awareness about the ecological
impact is crucial for our future.
project centered on Tbilisi, Georgia,
where honoring the deceased holds
profound significance, shedding light on
the potential harm of gifting flowers.
Through our exploration of Tbilisi’s
graveyards, we gathered discarded
plastic flower wrappings left by visitors,
uncovering the alarming pollution within
these sacred spaces. After meticulously
cleaning the plastic, we breathed new
life into it by crafting flowers.
These plastic blooms serve as a
powerful symbol, reprsenting the
superficial nature of the tradition of
presenting platic-wrapped flowers at
Assembling flowers from bouquet:
By showcasing our display in bustling city streets,
we underscore the unnaturalness of plastic
flowers and their lack of harmony with the
urban environment. Throughout this project, we
have encountered the challenges of ecological
welfare, revealing the alarming truth behind the
beautifully wrapped flowers and well-intentioned
gestures. Our goal is to raise awareness, prompt
a change in behavior, and encourage active
participation in the fight against plastics.
Art and Collectible Design Finalist
“Bring me flowers” was nominated as a finalist of Guiltless Plastic contest and was presented at Milan Design Week 2023, at Palazzo Bandello, from April