2024RISD MID 2026

Insructor: Rachel Berwick

material: Glass mixed with organic materials

This project serves as a symbolic conclusion to my research on alchemy, particularly focusing on purification and its connections to religion. Candles, which are central to this work, are white to represent the albedo stage of alchemy—a phase of purification where materials are cleansed, with white as its symbolic color. In various cultures, traditions, and religions, candles are also seen as cleansing objects, symbolizing renewal, spiritual clarity, and transformation.

The candle holders are crafted from glass with sandwiched plants, which create a golden hue. This golden light symbolizes the final stage of alchemy: the creation of gold, achieved here through natural materials. The melting and hardening processes of both candles and glass mirror alchemical transformations.

This project serves as both a conclusion and a tribute to my research on alchemy- Purification, encapsulating its themes of purification, transformation, and the interplay between the material and spiritual.

OTHER EXPERIMENTS WITH GLASS: Rock with rust from Beavertail Lighthouse: Glass poured over the rock

Dried fish tail: glass poured over the tail

Activated micelium: mixed with glass